Bench Club & Bodybuilders

These exclusive shirts can't be bought - they can only be earned.

Earn Your Bench Club T-Shirt and Get Your Name on the Wall of Fame!

  • Have a clean flat bench press (no one touching the bar during the lift & no equipment)
  • Record the lift from a side angle, ensure body isn't leaving the bench during the lift. Submit the video to the SpillanesFit Instagram or Facebook
  • Email us at [email protected]. Please include you first and last name, the weight you benched, where you are from (include highschool/college if applicable), T-shirt size and why you like training at SpillanesFit.
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Please allow 48 hours after submitting for our staff to review your submission. The wall gets updates once a year in the spring.


Dave Bonner, Jimmy Lacociello, John Hudock, Dave Eubanks, Dan Puksar, Robert Eckart, Matt Ziegenfus, Thomas Ellis, Martin Mehlig, Aleksander Zajac


Zack Lakitsky


Joseph Campano, Jesse Bieber, Chris Finney, Travis Miller, Gabriel Szozda, Dan Frey, Brent Herzog, Todd Smith, Dino Mason, Salvatore Merenda



Steven Faris, Salvatore Merenda, Brody Hydro, Justin Duchow, Trevor Amorim, John Cox, Mike Yesik, Tyler Harris, Joe Bonser, Kerry Solt, Todd Salovay, Mike Yesik, George Strubiner, Dan Rodrigues, Jan Llewellyn, Chris Fredricks, Reza Javaheri, Logan Anthony - PAHS, Landon Nickischer


Mason Seiler, Zachary Westerman, Joey Suto, Salvador Melo, Nick Squires, Raybran J Zayas, Colton Rex, Michael Stepp Jr., Anthony Mccue, Justin Geary, Justin Duchow, Chase Taylor, Alexander Wittong NLH 12th, Justin Cole, Logan Anthony-10th grade P.H., Reza Javaheri, John Cox, Curtis Kocis, Jordan Rocchino, Jason Hoenscheid, Jim Pavelco, Jared Iasiello, Mattew Schweitzer, Darryl Snover, Justin Getz, Dominic Kintz, Ralph Schultz, Bradyn Shelly, Cyrus Kinchen, Mason Stroup, Curtis Koons



Landon Moll - Northern Lehigh, Clayton Christman - Palmerton, Kameron Behler - Palmerton, Mason Shelak



Lawson Hoffman - Northern Lehigh (11th), Troy Wambold, Brady Kester, Jameson Trainer - PHS, Aidan Buchert - PAHS (10th), Mason Heilman - (8th), Tyson Nimtien- PVH (10th), Mason Shelak - S.V. East Port (12th), Kameron Behler - CCT Palmerton (11th), Alistair Kohler- Northampton High (12th), Ryan Burkett, Jonathan David - Northern Lehigh

